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Can the e-cigarette damage my health?

Even the most sceptical critics deem e-cigarettes to have at the most one tenth of the hazard potential of tobacco cigarettes, which is de facto below the potential posed by passive smoking. The e-cigarette has no tar content and produces no harmful combustion residue, as the liquid vaporises at a low temperature. In spite of efforts made by the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries to create a negative image of e-cigarettes, to date they have not been proven to damage health - e.g. in a sample in the USA, a tobacco-specific nitrosamine was found, whose concentration however was less than that found in a tomato. Nitrosamines are natural, carcinogenic plant substances occurring naturally in all nightshade plants, such as tobacco, potatoes, tomatoes etc. Nicotine is definitely unhealthy, but it's a substance that satisfies smokers. Nicotine provides an adrenaline kick, boosts concentration and performance in the short term, stimulates the metabolism, burning more calories as a result. However, nicotine is a neurotoxin, temporarily constricting the vessels, and can become addictive. When vaping and inhaling the nikoBlue e-cigarette, no substances are permanently deposited in the body, as is the case with tar when smoking tobacco cigarettes. No toxic substances arise, such as those produced by burning tobacco cigarettes at a very high temperature, involving 3,800 toxic compounds according to research. The e-cigarette cannot be described as healthy, but should be seen as a much less damaging, alternative stimulant to tobacco cigarettes. We recommend responsible use of nikoBlue. Try to vape only in places where you formerly smoked and try to reduce the nicotine level as soon as possible. Almost all our customers used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day or more, for decades, and managed to switch to nikoBlue without any problems. Many others stopped vaping within one year, others sharply reduced their consumption of tobacco cigarettes, and some consumers use nikoBlue where smoking is banned. Vapers can choose how they want to use the product. Non-smokers, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use the e-cigarette. nikoBlue e-cigarettes are not on sale for young people under the age of 18!
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