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How does the nikoBlue e-cigarette work?

The nikoBlue e-cigarette works according to the principles of vaporisation. nikoBlue has two components: the accumulator battery also containing the technical parts, and the nikoBlue refill including the vaporisation unit. Each nikoBlue refill is equipped with its own vaporising unit, guaranteeing maximum enjoyment. The refill is filled with nikoBlue liquid and is equivalent to 20 cigarettes - the user can easily see how much he or she is consuming. The battery must be recharged at any USB connection using the USB charging adapter. When the battery is recharged, screw the refill onto the accumulator battery. nikoBlue is now ready for use. When you draw on the nikoBlue, the heating coil is activated via a pull switch, causing the liquid to vaporise. The blue LED lights up at the same time.
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